2024 Week 5 Term 1
Principal's Message
Assistant Principal Learning and Teaching
Assistant Principal Mission
Photo Gallery
NCCD Parent Information
Project Compassion
P & F Easter Raffle
Inspiring Excellence
Bus Travel
Introduction of Nut Aware School Procedure
School Safety notice for Drivers
P & F Doughraiser
Uniform Shop Opening Hours
Camp Australia

God of all hope, we pray for our world with all its beauty and need.
May all creation know your compassion this Lent and may we take courage to share it, especially with those who don’t have what they need.
In our time, we hear the same words you spoke to Moses:
Through our prayers, fasting and almsgiving, move us to act in the company of your Spirit, showing compassion and acting for justice to renew the face of the Earth,
We ask this in the name of Christ.
Thank you to all school community who attended, supported and became involved in our recent school and community events. The Welcome to the new School Year Morning Assembly, Meet and Greet Learning Conversations, P & F monthly meeting, the Ash Wednesday & Beginning School Year Mass and our Kindergarten / Year 6 Saturday evening Children's Liturgy have all been excellent and important opportunities to gather. We have a busy life at school and within our own families, we certainly appreciate parents and families supporting such events.
Meet and Greets
Child Safe Standards
St Joseph's School community is committed to the wellbeing and safety of all children. Our interaction with all our community is founded on respect for each person. Within a Catholic Community, this respect of each individual is rooted in the belief that each person is made in the image and likeness of God.
Over the coming newsletters, each of the Child Safe Standards will be highlighted with examples of how the learning community of St Joseph's school promotes a culture of child safety.
Child Safe Standard 1 - Organisations establish a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued.
- Acknowledgement of Country is visible and used in classrooms, assemblies, liturgies and professional learning.
- Indigenous perspectives are embedded in relevant units of inquiry, including opportunities for incursions related to indigenous culture awareness, such as Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week.
- Our IEW works with families and students to promote and embed culturally safe environments for Aboriginal children and other cultural groups within the school community.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait and Australian flags fly in the school playground.
- Enrolment pack has a First Nations component for families and students to be identified.
- Staff Meetings about Child Safe environments are scheduled throughout the year.
- Staff induction training and online modules on Child Safe Standards are available.
- St Joseph's School Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy outlines the controls in place to establish a culturally safe environment and is implemented.
Sibling Enrolments
If you are intending to enrol a sibling/siblings for Kindergarten at St Joseph’s School in 2025, it is important that the enrolment application is completed promptly and all necessary information is conveyed to the school ASAP. That way we can have a position available for your child in Kindergarten. We have already received applications from new families through our online enrolment process. Existing Families can begin their enrolment online through our schools website.
Existing Families - St Joseph's Primary School Wauchope (wauplism.catholic.edu.au)
Inclusion Model
Accredited ACER School Reviewer
This week I have had the privelage of attending Professional Learning in becoming an accredited ACER School Reviewer. The purpose of the training is to assist school's to realise their own reality and desire for continuous 'School Improvement' through a School Review. The training has been extremely timely, as our school will take part in its own School Review in late June. I look forward to sharing in this journey of school improvement over the coming months with you. I thank you for your understanding of me having to take time out of the school to complete my training.
Welcome Home Fr Felix
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment which students in Year 3, Year 5, Year 7 and Year 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake.
As students progress through their school years, it is important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy.
NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards.
NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers regarding student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress.
In 2024, NAPLAN will be held from March 13 - March 25 for our Year 3 and Year 5 students. Attached is a NAPLAN information sheet. If you have any questions, please see your child's class teacher.
Incitare Youth Hub - Tuesday 27 February

Children's Liturgy - Saturday 24 February

Zone Swimming Carnival - Tuesday 20 February

Zone Winter Sports - Monday 19 February

Caritas Australia
This year, we have made getting involved with Project Compassion as a parent easier than ever! Scan this QR code to get started on your Project Compassion Parent journey! You can start small by simply sparking conversations with your children about Project Compassion and exploring creative ways to integrate compassion into their daily lives.
We are encouraging parents to Give it up for Lent! Whether you decide to forgo your daily coffee over Lent, or you are opting to ‘walk to work’ instead of your car commute – every small action makes a significant impact! Simply set up your online fundraising page, tell people what you’re giving up for Lent this year and ask your support network to sponsor your amazing efforts!
Your involvement not only nurtures a spirit of giving and sacrifice within your family, but also adds to a global wave of positive change.
Please use the QR code to read about the Project Compassion, Caritas Australia's annual fundraising campaign.
Kara De Maria, K-2 Instructional Coach at St Joseph's Primary School, Wauchope, has received national accredication as a Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT). 21 February 2024.
Congratulations to Kara De Maria, K-2 Instructional Coach at St Joseph’s Primary School for achieving national certification as a Highly Accomplished and Lead Teacher (HALT).
HALT accreditation is a voluntary national certification that recognises K - 12 teachers who demonstrate leadership and commitment to excellence in teaching practice that meets the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (the Standards).
Throughout the HALT process, Kara gained invaluable insights, realising the importance of initiating her educational journey despite life's challenges, recognising the significance of adhering to Teacher Standards and understanding the necessity of hands-on learning experiences. Reflecting on her experience, Kara highlighted the pivotal role of continuous professional development, collaboration, and active engagement with colleagues, parents/carers, and the community as essential elements in maximising student learning outcomes.
‘Acquiring HALT accreditation for me was about recognition and acknowledgement for my consistent work towards striving for excellence in education. My success was a shared experience as having the support of many around me gave me the courage and energy to pursue HALT accreditation successfully,’ said Kara.
Brendan Kiely, Principal of St Joseph’s Primary School, commended Kara's relentless pursuit of professional development, collaboration skills, and dedication to enhancing the school culture.
‘Beyond the traditional classroom boundaries, Kara's initiatives in learning shaped a vibrant educational setting at St Joseph's School, Wauchope, fostering a culture of support and vitality. Our school stands out as a beacon of support for Kara and all other teachers who may want to develop themselves as a highly accomplished teacher. Investing in her growth and enhancing the school culture was a positive and enriching process for Kara and for the school,’ said Brendan.
This achievement marks a significant career milestone for Kara, deserving of celebration and acknowledgment for her dedication to excellence in education.
Renew your Buspass
The bus drivers have advised that not all students have a bus pass. The timeframe to arrange your child's bus pass is almost complete.
Bus passes are not automatically sent to students entering Kindergarten and Year 3, you need to reapply.
If you have changed your address or schools, advise Transport NSW for correct information.
You can call Busways or use the LINK HERE to complete online.
No more Nuts
Please review the new procedure for Allergy and Nut Aware School
Safe Travel
Road Safety At St Joseph's
Road safety at St Joseph's is important to everyone. This information has been designed to give you an understanding of the traffic management plan which has been implemented by St Joseph's School for the benefit of all, ensuring staff and students can travel to and from school safely.
Please take the time to read this information and please speak to Mr Brendan Kiely, the School Principal, if you have any questions (or suggestions) about traffic management around the school.

Drop off & Pick up of students
Students at St Joseph's travel to and from school using a variety of modes of transport, including a school bus, private vehicle, on foot and by bicycle. St Joseph's front entrance is situated on King Street, and our back entry fence/gate is located on Avondale Street. Both operate a School Zone from 8.00 am to 9.30 am and from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm. The School Zones help protect our children on their way to and from school at the times and places where they are often in high traffic volume. Please note the speed limit during these times is 40 kilometres per hour.
Avondale Street - Kiss and Drop Zone
The Kiss and drop off Zone in Avondale street is only used for picking up or dropping off passengers.
This area is designed for the convenience of parents and carers and for the safety of children. This is a non Parking zone, which means drivers can stop for a maximum of two minutes. This area minimises traffic congestion for all and aims to maximise student safety.
St Joseph's traffic management would prefer you remain in your car at all times. When parents and carers are collecting their children in the afternoon, staff will assist your children into your car.
If the traffic queue has backed up, please do not double park and go around the block again until you can safely drive into Avondale Street.
To use the Kiss and Drop Zone, your child must be able to get themselves in or out of the vehicle and be able to use a seat belt to unbuckle or buckle up.
Seat Belts
School-aged children should always travel in the rear of their vehicles. Each child must be firmly buckled into an appropriate seat belt or child restraint.
Tip: Try to make a rule that every child passenger must be securely buckled into a seat belt or child restraint before you start the car. Assist your young child in buckling up and always check the buckle.
School Bus Zone
Please do not stop or park or drop off any children in the Bus Zone during Bus Zone times. 8.00 am – 9.30 am and again 2.30 pm – 4.00 pm.
Parking signs with specified time limits allow drivers to park their vehicles for a certain period of time only, e.g. 15-minute parking.
Double parking at any time is illegal and is particularly dangerous around schools. It reduces visibility and blocks the road for other motorists. Children stepping onto the road to get into or out of a double-parked car are not visible to other motorists.
U-Turns are discouraged near the school. The amount of traffic in the vicinity of the school means that U-turn manoeuvres are unsafe and block traffic flow. Please do
not undertake a U-turn anywhere within the school zone.
No Stopping zones
An unbroken yellow line painted on the curbside of the road also indicates a No Stopping zone.
Sometimes there is a space close to a corner that might seem like a good spot to park. It's NOT. It is illegal to park less than 10 metres from the corner, even if it is not signposted.
Parking on the corner blocks vision for turning drivers and creates a hazard for all motorists, pedestrians and especially for the children trying to cross the road.
Mobile Phones
Please do not use your mobile phone in the school zone, as research has proven that it is a dangerous distraction and compromises the safety of your children.
St Joseph's School Traffic Committee
- Please consider arriving closer to 3.30 pm.
- When you reach the pick-up zone, drive to the front of the queue so that as many cars as possible can pull in behind you. Don't just park in front of the school gate.
- Ensure your child's seatbelt is securely fastened before pulling away from the kerb.
- Please display a clear sign with the family name (don't assume that the teacher will know you or your car).
- Please use Range Street to access the Avondale Street pick up zone.
- Please let grandparents and other carers know this information if they are going to collect your children from school.
- Please consider neighbours.
- You don't need to get out of the car as supervising teachers will assist your children to get into the car. For their safety, children should only get into and out of the car directly onto the kerb. If this is not possible due to baby capsules or other child restraints, please consider how you might organise your children to ensure their safety.
- Do not jump the queue of waiting for traffic.
- Do not double park and walk your children across Avondale Street.
- Do not do a U-turn anywhere in the vicinity of the school.
- If you are in a queue, do not move into the pick-up zone until you know for certain that space is available. If you end up stopping in the 'No Stopping' zone, by law, you can be booked.
Please delay your arrival until after 3.15 pm (except for Kindergarten) as children do not arrive at the gates until this time.
If your child is not at the gate on your arrival, be prepared to be directed by staff to go around the block.
Do not park across neighbours driveways or garages at any time.
Please be patient
Your patience and cooperation are essential as we work together to make both our school drop off and pick up zones and the surrounding streets safe for children, neighbours and the community.
At all other times, before, during and after school, please do not park across the school driveway and leave your car unattended.
MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY 12.00 noon - 12.30 pm
The Uniform Shop is situated on the side of the Administration building.